Our group is seeking PhD students, Postdocs, and Visiting Scholars on theoretical and algorithmic distributed optimization for machine learning, control, and signal processing. The scope is broad, and candidates with training or interest in optimization theory, network science, control theory, and computational optimal transport are welcome to apply.
Post Doctoral Scholar
Rice has a postdoc fellowship program for highly competitive applicants that offers substantial independence. The Rice Academy of Fellows provides a competitive salary for two years for a cohort of postdoctoral scholars in departments across campus. Applications are due early January. If you are interested in applying to the Rice Academy of Fellows, please email me by the end of November at the latest.
PhD Students
To join the PhD program in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Visit https://ece.rice.edu/ for further information.
If you are interested in working with me please mention my name in your application. Also, let me know you are applying by December 1st, that way we can talk about research projects and interests. Also, I can guide your application process.
Visit my Research page to learn more about the topics I’m currently working on.
Visiting Scholars/Students
Short-term visits (2-3 months) of undergraduate, master’s, PhD students or postdocs from other institutions. These visits are project-based, and some preparation is required at least 4 months before the expected starting date.
Given current circumstances, I could potentially offer virtual visits, where we work on some joint projects. However, funding is more limited in this variant.
Rice Undergraduate Students
If you are an undergraduate student at Rice, please do not hesitate to contact me about research opportunities. I’m always happy to provide undergraduate research experiences.
Dr. Uribe is committed to creating an environment that reflects society’s diversity and increases equity, justice, and inclusion in STEM. Members of the group are human first. Underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply; do not self-select. Together, we can move the field forward.